Sunday, February 24, 2008


Ever wonder where time goes? For years I worked every weekend, mostly on Sundays, and the just on Saturdays- so having a job that gives me every weekend off is great. I totally embraced being a "9 to 5" gal, and this weekend thing. But I've come to the conclusion that maybe I need a day off on Mondays to recover from the weekend. Wouldn't that be nice? Not that I'm a party animal, or anything like that- it's just that the time goes so fast- trying to get so much done.
One of my goals for 2008 has been to devote time to getting to know God better- might sound silly to some, but it's the truth. It's been a blessing to me to be able to spend time every morning reading the bible. I've found strength in the scriptures that surprised me. One of the things I've tried to do more and more is spend time in prayer- which was a stretch for me- I hold a paradigm close to my heart that says that I am too insignificant for God to listen to, so why would he listen to my prayers. It's been a definite growth lesson to see many of my prayers answered, and to hear the voice of God in the silence.
There really is something to the idea- being still and knowing God. Hope all is well with anyone who reads this.

1 comment:

rw3 said...

Hi Teri,

Today when I wrote a check and had to put March on it, I thought -- no, no, it can't already be March. Time seems to fly by so quickly. The days fade quickly into evening. The weeks are soon over and it's into another weekend. Time flies -- having fun or not.

If at the end of the week I can look and see something that happened that was meaningful -- then that makes it worthwhile. Some person helped. Some project accomplished that introduced a bit more order into my life. Someone God used me to help to make a spiritual connection. Then when it has flown past, I have something I can feel like made it more worthwhile.
