Ever hear the Casting Crowns song East to West? One of the lines really stands out in my head
-I don't want to end up where You found me, And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight.
I'm struggling this week, with many things, faced with seemingly unending issues that need to be dealt with, and the strong thought that my faith is smaller right now than a mustard seed, and so unsure of how to build it, how to step out in it. I pray and pray, and am so unclear of the direction in which to do, the steps to take, the decisions to make. One thing that is constant is the idea that I don't want to go back to where God found me- hence the pull of the song. I wonder if God hears me. I hope so. I think he does, so perhaps the question should be, I wonder if I hear God? Am I listening? If not, then why?
Ok, enough of that. Time for some good thoughts. Like the photo? I do. I'm in a photography class, (which, by the way is kicking my rear end because I just don't get this stuff), and one of the assignments for this week dealt with taking close ups. While the composition isn't the best- I wish it wasn't so centered, I love the colors. I visited Gorman's Farm over the weekend, and had a blast walking around with my camera. Thank God for digital- so easy to delete the horrible ones, and there were quite a few of them! But, this one worked. Hope you enjoy it. Til next time. Blessings!
stick with the photo class, take a lot of photos, decide what you like and dislike about them, and you'll get better, enough so that in a year or two you'll be amazed. jeffl
Jeff, thanks so much for the encouragement! Could you define lots of photos-just kidding- for my project last week I took 3 roll, 24 exposure, and 150 digital- all to get 24 slides. And let me tell you- there weren't really 24 good ones! Oh well, life is one big learning experience. Thanks! Teri
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