Another day-Is it Friday yet???? This is really the never ending week at work- one obstacle after the other. Funny how quickly I learned to live for the weekend. After working a job for years that required I work part of the weekend, I find it amazing that in two short years I have so embraced weekends off and relish the long holidays that pop up throughout the year. God is good!
It's all good. Great news- I get the opportunity to design a complete marketing campaign- from the new logo, and all the company literature, to the direct mail, and the print campaign. My first total campaign on my own. Can you tell I'm excited? I love logo design- taking the ideals and character of the company, and creating something that fits with who they are and who they want to be. This is so cool! My one thought is that I really, really, really hope this company is in the 21st century and wants something modern. One of my loves is abstract form, and I'm hoping to utilize that in some way. We'll see.
It kind of amazes me, this path God set me on. If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would be a graphic designer, and would have not only attended college but aced it, well, I would have laughed at them. Dreams really do come true! I read a book a few years ago, The Aladdin Factor, by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and in it one of the exercises was to write down 101 wishes. I recently found my list, and can say that I've worked through roughly 20-30% of those wishes. It was pretty amazing to see that, considering when I wrote it I really thought none of them would come true. So, considering that, I'm going to own all of them, and work towards them!
Another ???- ok, I warned you about the photos. I like this one, but think that perhaps I need to photoshop out the wires and the transformer box. It really represents the beauty of the day and the lines are great. And just think- I took it. Wow.( I know, people who do this for a living, or even fun might not get that, but this is me- the person who for DECADES hid from any type of dealing with a camera- behind or in front of the lens.) Any thoughts?
Lord- thank you, for all you do, all you promise and all you provide. Let my heart and life be yours, lead me and I will follow. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Gotta go- later days...
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