Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Where you lead me Lord I will follow

One of my favorite songs at the church I attend goes something like this:

All who are weak,All who are weary,
Come to the rock, come to the fountain,
All who have sailed on the rivers of heartache
Come to the sea, Come on be set free
If you lead me Lord I will follow
Where you lead me Lord I will go
Come and heal me Lord I will follow
Where you lead me Lord I will go

For some reason this song speaks to me- probably because I definitely need healing, (don't we all), but the imagery behind the words pulls me in. It's a physical thing- come- an action that needs to be taken. An action I need to take. Who can't relate to the rivers of heartache. I know I've had my fair share in the past, am having my share in the present and am sure that there will be more to come in the future. But that's ok- because now I know where to turn- the rock.
I didn't understand totally what the rock was- I thought it was Peter and the foundation of the church, but that didn't really make sense to me. Further digging lead me down a different thought train, with the bible and the help of someone that just blesses my life I have a clearer understanding that God, and faith is the rock.

Isaiah 26:4-Trust in the Lord forever,For in God the Lord we have an everlasting Rock. (NASB)
1 Cor 10:4- and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.(NASB)

Matt. 7:24-"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Makes a little more sense to me now- I need to take action- have faith in God and Christ- and build my life upon that.
Seems so easy, doesn't it?

Father God, I come before you tonight with thanks for your presence in my life, for holding me close and counting the hairs upon my head. Lord, I ask that you give me strength and wisdom, discernment and guidance to answer what it is you call me to do. Guide me Lord, help me walk in Your way, seeking the truth and the light that is your only begotten son. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.


LElizabethH said...

Hi, I really love this song and was wondering if yu knew who sings it. Do you know? I was hoping to download it.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Teri said...

Hi Elizabeth, Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm not sure who signs it- I first heard it at church. I'll check with our music director and see what I can fins out. Blessings, tc

Anonymous said...

I, too, love this song and am looking for it to purchase/download. It does speak to me as well. If anyone finds it, please let me know. I'm going to keep looking.

Bless you all!


Teri said...

Hi Roxie,
I know you can get it from itunes- or at least I think you can. I'll keep looking and when I find it- if I find it, I'll post a link.