Sunday, July 15, 2007


I had a rather painful conversation today, one that result in a mini epiphany of sort- is there such a thing? Anyway, in this conversation I introduced the concept of relational integrity- the idea that I choose to treat others I am in relationship with in the way that I want to be treated, and I expect them to treat me the same. The mini epiphany came from the idea that in doing some action that goes against what I believe, well that isn't living with integrity. This was pretty painful for me. But the bigger picture, the more painful thought that I have taken actions or done things that aren't in line with my own integrity opened me up to the idea, no, the fact, that as sinners we all fall short of God's integrity. Wow, now I've got painful thoughts about two things.

Integrity- that's a huge word for me. One I'd like to think I've lived by.
Websters defines it as firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.

Being a artist, I can see this so clearly in my art. When something upsets the balance, the integrity of a illustration or drawing, what do I do- I take it out. I have a professor that calls things such as these visual fluff- things that are added that really don't bring anything to the piece, and in reality many times detract from it.

Life's a little harder. It's full of fluff. It came to me that even if I have this moral code I'm trying to live by, well, God has a bigger code. How come it's so easy for me to try to live by my own code, which I would like to think is in line with His, but there are so many times when my code gets in the way of His. There's so many times when life's fluff gets in the way.

Maybe it's time to embrace all He calls us to do, even the things that we don't understand or really fear. Break free of the daily fluff and let Him embrace us, -me, my life, my thoughts and my dreams. Live by the integrity of His word.

12 As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, And You set me in Your presence forever. 13 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, From everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.Psalm 41:13-13

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