Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Being Happy

I think I stated in an earlier post that being happy is my goal for this year. It's kinda tough to figure out how to do this exactly. I started out thinking the other day what could I do to make myself happy. Lots of ideas, some a little short on funds to get to right now. Other things came to mind too, things that don't cost money- which is good. One of those things was to make sure I set aside time each night to do something for myself. So, I've been turning in early and reading before I fall off to sleep. It's been working. I have a stack of books, not to mention bookcases full, that I plan on reading BEFORE i buy or borrow any more. Now that's a huge goal, lol.
Then today, I thought, how about making other people happy. Maybe that's where it starts. So, i did something very simple today, and paid for something for someone who looked like they were having a bit of a hard time. A pay it forward typt thing. I got the biggest smile out of her, and had one myself too. It's the little things that make me happy...
Now, if i could just get a snow day. One to spend playing in the snow, making snow angels and sled riding. How fun would that be?

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