HI! I've read enough blogs to know that you can get "dooced" about blogging about work. But I can't take it anymore!!!! My computers suck! Ok, so this isn't about people- good thing, since I don't want to get dooced- it's about hardware. Specifically, really OLD hardware. Even more specific- really old hardware that is driving me totally BONKERS!
I have 2 computers at my work station, the main being a Power Mac G4. A 2004 Power Mac G4 to be specific. With 256 RAM. Is anyone seeing the problem yet? Add to that I'm trying to run the Adobe suite CS3. I would love to upgrade to CS4 but... I'm on a OLD MAC. I can't even do any updates to the CS3 well because I keep getting a error message. Which totally sucks. Not to mention that when I try to print from Acrobat it cuts off half the page. I don't know why. Can't figure it out. It's really frustrating. And heaven forbid trying to have more than one app open and in use at once. Opening Photoshop means that I'm pretty sure that nothing else is going to work right. Just for an example. I had ID open today, and tried- really tried- to open a 256 kb Illustrator file. The color wheel spun for 10 minutes--- 10 MINUTES0 for 256kb. I was ready to scream!
And the PC- oh the wonderful PC. In case you can't tell that is pure, undulated sarcasm. With a cap S. Same suite on it, just works a whole lot slower, if that's possible. I won't even try to open more than one app- at least I can try on the MAC. Other problems with it- for some reason, which I can't explain, I can't print from my email. Which is pretty frustrating, when I need to print something to hand off to somebody or to file, and can't. I don't know how old the PC is- I know it's "younger" than the MAC, but it has so many ISSUES. The main one being that it has very little security. I'M CONVINCED IT'S BEEN HIGH-JACKED-- BUT NOBODY BELIEVES ME. It makes for a very tough day.
Does anyone feel my daily, hourly pain? A little sympathy would go a little way to helping me feel better. A baseball bat would make it a whole lot better!
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