Anyway, about 2 years ago it was huge- overflowing, with vines growing everywhere and bright green leaves. Last year when Jimmy passed away people sent planters, and I brought most of the plants home. I had 14 plants spread throughout the house, and this one made 15. I loved it. It felt like I was outdoors all the time. But all those nice plants that were sent to the funeral brought thing along with them besides sympathy. Among those things were spider mites. Let me tell you how gross those are. OK- well anything with the word spider in it is gross. I have major nightmares about spiders. I have one recurring nightmare that is just horrible. I'll share that one of these days- I try not to think about it because I'm afraid I'll "talk" it up.
Anyway- the SMites- I ended up having to throw away all of the plants that we received. That was pretty upsetting to me. I probably should have gotten rid of this one too, but hey, I've had it for so long. It's lasted longer than I was married. That means something to me. I know, it can't talk back, or argue with me. Probably why it's still here. It just sits there, and I can ignore it pretty much of the time. With my life that is a good thing. Unless you can demand my attention, chances are you aren't getting it.
Anyway, I started to make progress in bringing this back to life. It had some new growth, and some shiny green leaves. But then all of the sudden it started looking really bad again. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I hadn't changed anything I was doing. Well, I figured it out the other night...
...Seems that Madi, the princess and ruler of the house, has taken a liking to the leaves of this plant. She likes to chew on it. She likes to chew on everything but REALLY, REALLY likes the plant. I came into the living room the other day to find the 6lb chi sitting- yes SITTING, in the pot, ALONG with the plant, chewing on its stem.
So, this is all I have left of something I've had for more than 20 years. I had to do some serious trimming to get rid of all the vines Madi had broken and chewed on. It's so sad looking. One scrawny little vine.
I hope it comes back. And I hope that it's not poisonous to pups. As much as I want to strangle the princess for eating my plant- I kinda like having her around.
Anybody got any ideas on how to save a plant's "life"?