Thursday, April 16, 2009


I came to the conclusion today that I have a love/hate affair with email. I guess the same can be said of snail mail- even though all that tends to bring anymore is bills, since everyone now uses email for communication. But email, it's different. If you're lucky to have an account that offers really good spam protection you can almost be assured that everything in your inbox is stuff you want to read. Which is cool. When I went on vacation last year I didn't check my email--- big mistake. I think there were over 500 messages when I got back- but only a few that mattered to me-- hence the new email address!
Ok, the love/hate thing. Since switching addresses I have found there is a direct correlation between the number of emails sent and the number received. (DUH!) Anyway, it really bummed me out when I opened my inbox to see no new emails from people I want to stay in touch with. THEN I realize that to receive you have to "give." And with the lack of time to "chat", well, I guess it goes without saying that no one wants to chat to someone who doesn't respond. So, while I love to stay in touch, I hate to stay in touch too. Does that make any sense?
Anybody else ever feel like this???

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