Hi. Rambling will probably occur at great length here. One of the way my mind works- or doesn't work, depending on who you talk to! No great, (or even bad) photos to post today. Last week's project really kicked my rear end. Oh well, such is life. Next week promises to be more fun-night photos- if not better images(blame the photographer and NOT the subject!
It's funny how God works- now why would I call that funny? Maybe mystical, spiritual, but funny- ok, maybe not... anyway, as I was driving home last night I heard the song for which this blog is named, and it was a reminder- a reminder that words mean so much to me, written, spoke, sung, and that I was neglecting myself when I neglect one of my "loves". So, here I am again,(writing) naturally (isn't that a really bad, old song?)
Then this morning the first song I heard was East to West- mentioned in a previous writing- but it really meant much to me today- especially the part about the (wo)man I used to be- not that I was ever bad or evil, but I know that the person I was isn't who I want to be today- mainly because if I was still the old me, well, no learning or growth would have occurred and without that, well why bother?
That's pretty relevant to me today. I had a learning experience over the weekend that really touched me, and made me see a few things. One of them was that we choose our scripts- and that the scripts of yesterday need not apply today. Another one linked to that same experience is that if we believe something about ourself, say we believe we are useless, or less than, or not valued- as much as someone tries to convince us otherwise, we won't believe it. The final thought that came out of this was that unless we trust, ourselves, others close to us, God, that we WON'T grow. So, I guess I'm not the person I used to be after all. What a great thing.
I changed my mind about adding a photo- the beautiful blond (or should I say multi-colored?) is my daughter, Stephanie, and the little girl is Lori's daughter, Gabrielle. Can you tell I'm partial to the person my daughter is? She's so neat. She's as pretty inside as out. The only real thing I wish I could change about her is her relationship with God- I wish it were stronger. But He's pulling at her, so I know it's only a matter of time. I have this hanging at work over my desk, so that I can remind myself of how beautiful life is and how short it is. I wish Lori could have lived to see this. Yeah, I miss her today... and every day.
Lord, thank you for the day, the opportunities and the your love. Guide me, protect me and love me. Help me to love others as you would have me too, and to walk in your path, your way and your light. In Christ's name, amen.
'Til next time- Blessings and love. TC
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