Where has the summer gone? The 5th of July already. Wow. Ever want to slow down time? Another 4th come and gone. We didn't make it to the lake this year- the weather wasn't cooperating. But we did make it to the cemetery- and finally got to see Lori's headstone. It's lovely. I think she would appreciate the butterflies on it. They are so her.
Every time I go there with Steph we end up having a conversation about what I would want when I die for a funeral. She's not real thrilled with that conversation. Guess I need to write a will, otherwise I'll end up in some box in the ground. Not a pleasant thought for me.
Oh well, just wanted to say hi to anyone that reads this, and to post a photo from vacation. We watched the fireworks in DC last night on tv, it was an awesome show. Made me a little wistful. Reading's fireworks are tonight, and I'm going to try to get some good photos. So hopefully there will be some of those and of the garden popping up here soon.
Til next time- "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.Matthew 7:7-8