Hi-Missed me? I've missed having the time to do this- just came out of finals, right in time for the holidays. The never-ending race to get things done!
Ok- for the good news- aced my semester at school. Don't ask me how, because I thought I was doing horribly in the photo class. A small miracle at best- many thanks and praises to my God and Savior for getting me through it!
Let me just tell you about the experiences in photo class, before I get into anything else. Ever work in a darkroom? That was interesting. Seems I have a problem with night vision and balance- so when the lights went off I got dizzy (more so than my usual blond moments). To develop the photos we had to keep going out of the darkroom, so that we could see if what we were getting was any good. Going in and out of the darkness made me sooooo ill- so I finally just gave up, and stayed in the darkroom until I got the required number of prints done- which were pretty bad, since I couldn't really see what I was doing. Not a pleasant experience!
I think the only thing that redeemed me in this class was our final project. We had to do a video of sorts- set photos to music. I was pretty OK with how it turned out. Once I figure out how to upload it to godtube.com I'll post a link- and hopefully will get some feedback.
The photo above is one of the finals- the song I choose was Casting Crowns, East to West, and this image went with the line, "the chains of yesterday surround me." I was blessed with some great weather- 55 in Cincy in November, a day off and some time at Spring Grove Cemetery. I came across a crypt that had the chain on the doors- and took advantage of it. I did get a few strange looks as I was laying on the ground shooting up- but it turned out pretty well.
Ok- finals are over, Christmas is almost here, shopping is done- time to relax. Hopefully I'll have more time for this. I've missed it.
Until next time, may God hold and keep you,