Hi. Happy Monday! Just think- it's all downhill from here- Friday is just a few short days away.
I know, I'm silly. I had a loooong busy weekend and I'm still feeling it- I had to go back to work to recover! We did lots of fun things- dinner with friends, school work, church(es) and put together gifts boxes for Operation Christmas Child. That was a blast, finding things that would fit in a shoe box, that you know a child would like. If you've never done it I highly suggest doing it next year. Just the joy of doing it made it great- the idea that in some way I'm loving on someone I don't even know- that's huge. A step towards loving as God loves us!
This weekend promises to be just as jam packed- with the food drive and the welcoming dinner for Richard at Good Shepherd (I am so proud of him!), but I can't wait. If only I can fit in things like homework and sleep...
Speaking of homework, I finally figured out how to include things I've created- like this poster. I was so excited about figuring that out. There's a whole lot more stuff that I've created that I enjoy or am proud of that I would like to share ('fess up- my photos suck!)- AND now I know how to do it! Isn't that great- well at least to me it is! The poster was a school project- I really enjoy the feathers- created in Illustrator. I think they turned out pretty well. So, I'm sure there will be more stuff that pops up. And I'm sure there will be more photos- if I don't start on the final, well, that would be a really bad thing. But keep an eye out for the llamas- my personal Christmas card- Ok- I know, what do llamas have to do with Christmas- well, in my world it works- they could have been at the birth- they are relatives of the camel.
The photo is a little fuzzy-it was taken last week at the installation ceremony at GSCC, when some of the people gathered around Richard to pray. I was pretty torn, I wanted to be up there with him, but wanted a picture too- so when someone volunteered to take it for me I jumped at that- and I am so grateful to them. It was a pretty intense experience- to feel the love and spirit that was in the room. I'm really glad I got to share that with him.
Until next time- remember, every minute is a blessing and a gift.